International Academy of Liberty
Kalliga 17 str.,
7th floor 114 73 ATHENS GREECE, e-mail:
The International Academy of Liberty, the only institution of liberty in the world, was founded with an unanimous decision by the Hellenic Parliament in 2003, following the Legislative Proposal by 210 MPs coming from all political parties, (L. 3113/2003, Official Government Gazette Issue A' 42/19.2.2003). Hence, its founding arrives in the most appropriate timing, when the internationalization of humanity takes place. 
However, the study and research of the phenomenon of liberty from an institutional, philosophical, historical, epistemological, social and any other perspective will greatly contribute to the progress of human. Multidimensional liberty, as a phenomenon, a concept and a value is found everywhere, both in the natural world and the humane world, which influence one another. We still do not talk about liberty, but about freedoms; individual and social rights, equality and justice, peace and war. 
The always remembered Nobel Laureate, Ilya Prigogine, will say that: "the creation of the world is merely the creation of liberty, beautiful and tameless liberty, which hide s all potential changes and developments". And the greatest philosopher of all, Aristotle, will say that: "all share in freedom" and "in freedom all ought to be utterly equal", (Politics, 1280). 
The Presidential Decree 108/2003 (Official Government Gazette Issue A' 107/31.5.2006) prescribes the activities for the implementation of the goal of the International Academy of Liberty, as well as its Administration with the Plenum and the Senate. The Internal Regulation, on the other hand, (Official Government Gazette Issue B' 2484/31.12.2007) prescribes the official Directorates.
The objectives of the International Freedom Academy shall be to: 
1. study and research the phenomenon of freedom from an institutional, philosophical, historical, scientific, social and any other point of view; 
2. cooperate with universities and cultural institutions in general, in Greece and abroad; 
3. organises conferences, lectures, seminars and any educational events for educators, students of all levels and citizens in general; 
4. undertake activities in education areas in the context of the education legislation and the objects of the International Freedom Academy; 
5. cooperate with philosophers, scientists and personalities of the letters and the arts for the promotion of educational actions and the international promotion of freedom; 
6. cooperate with international organisations and peer bodies of the UN Member States; 
7. establish a permanent conference centre, with a focus on conferences on the spectacular development of medical science, notably biology, which is associated with freedom, bioethics and human rights; 
8. organise a library and compile literature by collecting, recording and classifying books, journals and printed material concerning freedom across time; organise sections of sound recordings, photos, films and works of art on freedom; once digitalised, this material shall be available through modern information and telecommunication technologies (the internet, multimedia etc.); 
9. establish an International Museum on Nations' Freedom, which shall focus on nations' historical struggles for freedom, in cooperation with each state; the museum material concerning Greece shall be allocated to two sections, one concerning Greek history and the other the history of Missolonghi, Sacred City of Freedom; 
10. establish the "Eleftheria" International Cultural and Sport Events, through which the cultural values of freedom shall be promoted; 
11. award International Freedom Prizes to personalities in politics, philosophy, history, science, and the arts and letters in general, as well as to universities, cultural institutions and organisations promoting the idea of freedom; 
12. grant scholarships by a decision of the Senate, for the promotion of studies on freedom; and 
13. erect, following an international competition, a Statue of Liberty.
Law Number 3113, Establishment of an International Freedom Academy and arrangemnet of relevant issues, IAF-Law 3113.pdf [99KB]

Plenary, IAF-Plenary.pdf [54 KB]